All posts by admin

Why does SEO work for some and not others?Well, even though that feels like a compelling question to ask, it’s the wrong question.The right question to ask is which SEO strategies work and which ones…read more

Here’s a little secret about your website that no one is talking about.

Let me spill the beans and tell you about a secret that 90% of business owners don’t know about their website. Your website is a vital part of your business. Contrary to a lot of opinion the website is not dead. In fact it is needed more now than ever as long as it is … Continue reading Here’s a little secret about your website that no one is talking about.

If you’re doing SEO for your business or looking into it, chances are you’re thinking a lot about which keywords you want to focus on. You probably have a pretty good idea which ones are the most important to you. You might even have a certain “golden” keyword you’re looking at, thinking to yourself “If I could rank #1 for that, it would change my entire business!” Guess what? You’re wrong.


Even though Google favors big brands, the truth is that small businesses can compete with the bigger names for organic search engine traffic. This is possible even though big brands often spend tens of thousands on SEO without batting an eye, and even though small businesses are spread thin on budgets and staff. Here’s how a small business can get its fair share of organic sales leads on Google…read more